The state of Frances Road in Erdington, Birmingham, has led to an intervention by the appalled local MP

The area has a number of HMOs [houses in multiple occupation] – which people say are fuelling the issues

Mr Dromey said he also spoke to a mother whose daughter refused to walk back from the bus stop alone because she was too afraid.

‘Residents once living in a fine area say it’s changing beyond recognition and it’s partly down to the rapid growth of HMOs,’ he said.

‘There’s proof of bad landlords operating here, packing vulnerable tenants into squalid conditions to make money and, as a result, there’s been a rapid growth of anti-social behaviour and crime.

‘The police and the council need to be given the priority to tackle bad landlords head-on and punish those who are bringing down this fine community. I will ensure no stone is left unturned. Bad landlords need to be named and shamed.’

hodge82, Xenophobeland, United Kingdom
Willing to bet everything I own that this street’s residents voted for Brexit.

GW: Mr Dromey has to shoulder his share of responsibility having been part of Bliar’s Government back in the day.  He is ”compromised” in other ways as well.  What has happened to this street in Birmingham has similarities with the comment made about what happened when ”degenerate Democrat” Nancy Pelosi took over representation of San Francisco.  SF went from being a lovely town to a degenerate place where hypodermic needles & feceation are now found on the once clean streets.

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