Here’s Why The Yellow Vest Protests Have Scared The PTWTB To The Bone!!!! A BRILLIANT ANALYSIS!!!

The Houndog
Published on 21 Jan 2019

Kontra Septic
The working and productive population lives outside of the metropolises in most western cities in the western world … the parasitic professions increasingly only can afford to live in the centre of large cities. Hence Macron’s ” … let them drive Teslas … “ …ignorant and completely out of touch with reality.

NPC 3333
They should be,,, there is zero signs of this letting up and if anything they’re believing in them as much as we do. The Gilets Jaunes are making history,,, why would they stop. I’m excited for them and pray God helps them every step of the way. Sad thing is there Will be lots more bloodshed. I predict a civil war the likes of ours. The US isn’t going to have a depression 2.0 believe in American might if you don’t know what it is. Men in the west are waking up and taking back their sh!t.

Fat Freddy
Very similar as the UK regarding the poor workers. Unemployment is low but wages are very low too.  Not enough money to live a decent life while the tptwtb have got all the money.  My friend is a psychiatric nurse. He has not had a pay rise for 10 years while tptwtb have all his money.  Yet in the UK the electorate are not prepared to do anything about it.

The time has come to take back control but that needs a peaceful revolution. I don’t see that happening in the UK.

Martin Solomon
Fat Freddy with the mental health industry the problem lies in the DSM and the corrupt pharmaceutical multinationals. They write the 400 plus different mental issue classifications and the media, academia and entertainment industry prime people into accepting pharmacological treatment of everything from winter blues, ‘boisterous boy behaviour’ ‘post natal depression’ etc. It focuses all the money on psychiatry and the related drug treatment….it ignores the one to one patient care on the wards or in the community, the counselling options, psychological talking therapies, instead under the monopoly of universal single payer health scheme the nhs gets charged 5-20:times more for every prescription drug. It’s a big revolving door of big pharma lobbyists pushing their ineffective drugs with terrible side effects leaving the front line staff doing all the hard work and the bulk of the money goes directly to the pharma and back office executives within government. It is disgusting.  But there needs to be exposure of the DSM the currently accepted clinical approach and perpetuation of normalizing of spurious classified mental illness and masking realities like loneliness and PTSD with expensive tablets instead of people care where the money and conversation needs to go.

Andrey Belopopsky
The entire new world order is collapsing. Keep pushing brothers and sisters. Become enlightened, forgive, and turn this world back to Eden for all.

I like you houndog: even though you are a limey!
You come up as a proper pom..too few left!

Howard Petterson
Say what you like
I say it is all about the menial work
Everybody wants to climb the ladder and leave the work to the land people. I have a very rich sister who has made it to the top of ladder in London. She is now slightly embarrassed with me her literally and figuratively country cousin. Me…. who is just a wage slave in the countryside
We grew up in identical situations but her husband is a city slicker financial type of the bonus boy culture in ftse 100 club
We have grown apart
My biggest gripe is the fact that we still need the menial workers and what right have they to live in absolute luxury when we have to work till we die

Geoff Evans
Just write off those Debts all at the same time they are artificial anyway. Around the world countries are paying all their GDP in order to service debts to the Rothchilds who just print paper to cover debt which increases inflation. Pay goes up so more debt is printed. The real losers in this are the poor honest people who have saved for their future only to find that when they get their pensions it’s worthless, and are looked upon as a burden upon society. I do not wish this as a future for my kids and grandkids. It really is time for a reset. Don’t buy but Take back central banks from the Criminals. Bring back the gold standard or similar and go back to individual currencies. With today’s technologies exchange rates around the world would be automatically adjusted and poverty and corruption would disappear  No need for war (imagine) it’s not hard  – LET’S DO IT JOIN THE YELLOW VEST MOVEMENT and save the world

Remko Jerphanion
I’m very glad with these daily videos – excellent! Peripheral France could also be Peripheral United States or Peripheral Germany or any other country you like to add. It’s a global problem: the elites rule and the citizens must obey. It really is time that this cycle of oppression and repression ends. Evil empires such as the UN, NATO, and the EU are disbanded with immediate effect!

Mark Dyer
I think this analysis omits the fact that – when all is said and done – Government is about the use of FORCE to compel people to act in a certain way (eg pay taxes). What may, yet, happen in the case of the Gilets-Jaunes, is that Macron’s oh-so-civilised mask will fall away, when he calls out the French Army to mow down the protesters. Les Miserables, anyone?

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