How The Gov Shutdown Is Rapidly Draining The Swamp

The Josh Bernstein Show
Published on 17 Jan 2019

7 Trillion?! Some say over $21 Trillion! How about over 1 Quadrillion in derivatives! Good night USD.

Ab Guilford
If the government stays shutdown for 30 or 31 days, nonessential government employees can be let go. Where the hell were Pelosi and Schumer Maybe on their way to – Afghanistan – Egypt – Brussels? Nope Trump took away their military jet, and said there’s work to be done here in D.C. We can finally get rid of the Obama Planted SES workers and their minions!!!!!!!

sweekim yeo
Is that why Pelosi was going to meet her Globalist bosses in Brussels to get instructions on how to handle President Trump but was stopped by the President from using the AirForce One and was turned back. Her going to Afghanistan and Egypt was a ruse. Her real destination is Brussels where the headquarters of the Globalists are. Now she’s off to another unknown location to meet her Globalist bosses as she had to get instructions from them since Hillary and Obama who received the envelopes during Bush funeral could not go.

Jerry Glasgow
…useless workers, obstructionists, Clintonistas, globalists, Muslim Brotherhood, All the thousands that Obama installed can be given the heave ho…

Wolfgang Chargin
The Trilateral Commission has been called NAFTA for many years! The Deep State keeps changing its name to get people confused! They also have a Website that people can see what they are doing. But it’s very basic boring information so people don’t read it.

Chris Ives
Pelosie and her gang tried to run yesterday. I think it was a plan to escape and disappear. Foiled by POTUS.

POTUS is standing his ground because once the Shutdown last 30 days (22 work days) Trump can use RIF (Reduction in Force) to permanently furlough Federal Employees, to reduce over-bloated government...including the grossly over-paid SES (Senior Executive Service) personnel, who do nothing but obstruct Trump. NOTE: Q Drop 970 below:
Done in 30
House Cleaning
WH Secured
Final Stage

I commented on another post earlier that there is more to Trump stopping the flight yesterday than just getting back at her for trying to stop his SOTU address.. I believe The Shiff Is Hitting The Fan!!

Sandra Van Lankvelt
OMG this is beyond Treason. Murder, theft, embezzlement, just a start. No wonder auditing the Fed is always denied. Start from the bottom up and top down to find ALL that were involved. This includes the SES thieves hiding in our Govt agencies soon to be fired in a matter of days. 911 was a huge travesty that affected not only Americans but 163 other Countries as well because those two towers held companies and people who did international trade. How in all that is holy could such deviant minds (people who claimed to be Christians) in our Country do such horrible things to our beloved Country America and its citizens who paid their wages and gave them votes. Should all of this be true then the American people should have the RIGHT to watch on TV these despicable beings’ shootings. Just like we all watched the twin towers tumble-down to the ground that killed over 3,000 innocent victims. Good Lord what a horrible travesty it was that day. When I drove home from the office I could hardly see the road due to tears and at one point I looked to the right lane on the freeway and it was a policeman driving and we happened to quickly look at each other and his eyes had tears as well. It was unbelievable.

Q Sent Me!! Deuteronomy 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.

Donald King
And just who is it that believes that the vast majority of tax payer money hasn’t been squandered and stolen from the word go? They all have had their dirty little hands in the stash. Trust not your government. Trust the will of god, the will of the. People.

GW: And we in the UK have got the same – a lot of dirty hands stuck in OUR tax payers’ till!

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