Tapestry: What do they know?

They’ve just been to visit Theresa May in Downing Street. The Brexiteers like Owen Paterson on the left always seem to be smiling. His output in the media has been particularly optimistic for weeks.

What do they know?

They know that a trade deal was struck last July between Britain and the USA. They know time is running out for a negotiated deal with the EU, or a coherent cancellation of Brexit. Do they also know that a no deal Brexit is a nailed on certainty, and the rest is theatre playing out to make people accept the result. People will be exhausted by the constant yo-yoing and the high threat level being maintained in the media.

You can be sure large profits are being made by insiders who can surge and collapse the Pound Sterling by five points with just a headline. Once the herd is running, the predators can move in and pick off the weak. They know which way the herd will be running next. No wonder they’re all smiles.

When Henry viii quit Europe five hundred odd years ago, large fortunes were made. Land was seized from all the monasteries and much of it granted by the king to the Earl Of Derby, who had placed the Tudors on the throne in the first place. Derby’s descendants are the Ridleys and the Stanleys. Paterson is married to a Ridley.

Blair is pulling the other way, hoping to keep Britain locked inside the EU. He’s more a Rothschild, a Catholic – from more recent money. Securing Britain’s release from the EU would be the revenge of the Ridleys, the old banking masters before Queen Victoria spawned a generation of Rothschild Royalty that grew fat on Napoleonic and World wars. Murdoch and Trump are onside with the Brexiteers looking for the end of Rothschild hegemony. Clinton and the Bushes are hoping to stop the collapse of their EU puppet state. Russia and China, it seems, want to make a fresh start to world affairs and support Brexit.

No wonder the Brexiteers are smiling.

Aldous comment.
Prince Philip crash road under review after five deaths in six years
The Duke of Edinburgh was uninjured, but Sky’s royal correspondent says the 97-year-old has seen a doctor as a precaution.


97 year old Phil the Greek was breathalyzed – or so they say!
The Duke of Edinburgh (assuming he’s still alive in real time anyway) could take out a school bus – or even school – and he wouldn’t be breathalyzed.
So what are they trying to keep off the front pages?


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