SGT Report: The Ugly Truth About Autism

SGT Report
Published on 15 Jan 2019

Timothy Carter
My son was born in 95and we have a video of him running through the house chasing is brother yelling I want my toy, he was little behind verbally but was speaking the basic word. After receiving the mmr vaccine he started saying less and fewer words, by 22 months old he had lost all verbal and hasn’t spoken since. He just turned 24 yrs old. I pray daily for him and love the hell out of him for what these people have done to him.

Ted Turner – Global Leadership???

Jeff Young
Bill Gates is a pro vaccine advocate. There is a video of him talking about population control and he talked about how vaccines can reduce/control the population. Hum. Reduce? I thought they were to save your life and keep you healthy? He is a big believer in the Georgia guide stones. Same with Ted Turner.

My personal theory, as a high functioning autistic. Is that the poison is specifically meant to destroy the connection with the Intuitive mind. The basis for this is how we become extremely left brain dominant. We become pattern thinkers, word smiths or visual artists that are capable of geometric thinking and designing that is simply too rigid and riddled with hard left thinking. (Not political thought, think brain hemispheres.) The Right brain is connected to the Intuitive side. I’ve noticed that, increasingly, my intuitive abilities have been growing.

I “Know” more than I should, I “feel” more than I should, my “Symptoms” have ramped up. I think the point of the vaccines is to specifically target and eliminate us as potential threats. The problem with us Intuitive empaths to the NWO is, we’re able to see where others are blind. We have a stronger connection to our past selves, our previous incarnations. To the intelligent infinite that designed our universe. We “remember” in a sense. Which is why, pre-autistic, the children are remembered especially fondly. It isn’t the contrast in the child, it’s because the child was “Special” and so, is targeted specifically for termination or handicapping, either is effective in limiting our abilities.

Jeanette Silvis
Clearly…I had the “subset”...3 for 3. Thankfully not severe profound special needs. But a struggle none the less. Jan 1998 aspergers also got measles from MMR. Feb 2000 less severe no obvious reaction…DOD provided, both girls. June 1996...civilian, with 5 congenital heart defects and intellectual disability 6 to 8year old cognitive functioning…son still lives at home at 22 and always will. The girls are both in college…but I had to work very very hard to come up with work arounds to help them develop socially.

Tammy Parry
Keep talking about this. I’m a family physician and got the required flu shot. Within 20 minutes I developed facial swelling, lip swelling and pulmonary obstruction. Then, bizarre neurologic symptoms. I got MS.

The CDC ruined my life and the lives of the 1721 patients I used to adore. The good news?

Now I can speak the truth. I did not want to believe that these vaccines could hurt people. The CDC lies and we were indoctrinated to believe the CDC.

Just today, a 5th democrat government leader in Atlanta was prosecuted for corruption.  She passed out as the judge was handing out her sentence. Atlanta? Home of the CDC.

The evil CDC (Centre for Disease control)

dirty del
It’s not treatable. (Not for everyone) it may very well be preventable but some cases are very severe and the severe cases are the majority.. My best friend’s younger brother did not starting talking until he was about 8 years old. A neighbor of mine who suffered from a more mild form was very social and also a savant (had a flawless photographic memory and he was a very very successful artist) we actually became roommates. Someone like my friend could be considered treatable but the truth is most are not able to live on their own and require daily assistance for life.

Semper Fry
I left California because of that reason because of Jerry Brown because of their vaccine policy. I have a business I commute 3 hours to so I can keep my family safe – Brown recently signed ”a mandated vaccination law” for adults & children.

This is tyrannical – a Natziesque state of mind.

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