The Biophysics of Fluoride by Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse

Brenda Staudenmaier
Published on 8 Jun 2018

Julie Clemons
Thanks. I’ve used reverse osmosis or spring water for years. I had to learn the fluoride chemistry basics 18 yrs ago when Ft. Collins CO was changing their water facility. For 40 yrs, those fools poisoned good mountain water with hydrofluorosilicic acid– toxic waste of the aluminum industry!! F.C. said they were actually going to let the PEOPLE decide, so the government sent their minions to counter our campaign for clean water with their “poor children’s teeth” propaganda! Their men in black tried to get OUR names who were against them. They won, narrowly. I read a book called “The Fluoride Deception” at that time. It’s heavily annotated and explained chemistry and physics concepts for regular folks.
Thanks, again, from a fellow fluo-fighter & God bless your efforts sir.

Fluoride is the active ingredient of Prozac.

Flouride is put into water, dental paste etc. by the Kabal because it hinders our (the sheeple’s) “radio receiver” (pineal gland/third eye) to function and therefore makes us unable to wake up from the control state we live in. With a functional pineal gland we can communicate without words and feel each others feelings and more.

Agenda 21 is alive and well. William Tompkins and the spraying of chlorine gas. Dr. Norman Bergrun Ringmakers of Saturn. Rockefeller keeps coming up. Medical schools have sold out to drug companies, corrupted poor nutritional education, and drugs are over promoted.

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