Brexit dominates political circles, but outside Westminster many are tuning out

GW: The same old trope about those who voted BREXIT largely don’t possess degrees etc & therefore they don’t understand the consequences.  You wish Mr Cockburn.  All the ones I know HAVE degrees – one is a Barrister, one is an ex Banker, one is an IT Consultant, one’s a Pilot, Marine Commander, Ex Hedge Funder, Professor etc.  For Goodness Sakes – we know more about what is really going on than they do in Westminster.  And what’s more we actually CARE about what happens in the UK – we’re not the ones ripping it off & selling its silver!

Sam Hall, who has taught at a primary school in Dover for five years, says people she meets in the city “have bought into the rhetoric that there is a crisis [over the recent immigrant arrivals]. There is very little compassion. You may believe that the people coming here are desperate, but then you are desperate yourself.”

There is another aspect to the immigration issue in Dover revolving around the Slovakian Roma, who often do not speak English. Even those most sympathetic to them say they are peculiarly hard to communicate with. White parents express anger that scarce school resources are spent on teaching Slovakian Roma children to speak English.

GW: Our education resources are so stretched that teachers have resorted to buying their own classroom aids & sometimes their students lunches – why should education services be spending scarce money on providing people to teach Slovakian Roma English?  It’s up to Slovakian Roma to learn English or go home.  Our own people are struggling & having to use Food Banks just to make ends meet & pay taxes – we do not have the resources to ”save the whole world” anymore.

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