What Is Our CIA Doing In Australia?

WDN Live
Published on 10 Jan 2019

  • Ted Shackley was involved in the sacking of Aust PM Gough Whitlam.

Ted Shackley

paul smithson
The CIA Have Ruined Australia, It’s a Steaming Mess down here.

Marisa Ros
Fiona Barrett and creepy Nicole Kidman and her Nazi father Dr. Kidman….Australia got their “fair share” of Nazi scientist and as a result have their “fair share” of issues as a result. I hope all this craziness comes out ….all of it. Interesting tidbit, remember dingo ate my baby lady….yeah? Marina abramavic was camping very close by the rock ares? very close by this couple. A lot of strange coincidences. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

Iris Octon
@paul smithson Blame 5 eyes. Did you know brits and aussies plotted to assassinate the President of the United States Donald Trump and his family?

Janet Skene
@ricci simone What Fiona Barnett reports happening at PINE GAP is beyond evil! All the military bases hide unspeakable things – especially CHINA LAKE CA where the babies are warehoused and tortured to split their minds in the tens of thousands.
But we must know so we WILL make it STOP

paul smithson
@Iris Octon It’s not Australians We are a Penal Colony. The Queen runs Australia and the CIA Work for The Queen Freemasons and the NWO
Its The Royal Family. Australians are Prisoners.

ricci simone
@Iris Octon that’s why they are being exposed and the brits and Aussies involved are shitting themselves I bet there’s something suss about Julie bishop she resigned from the front bench last year something with flight 17 boeing 777 Malaysian airlines maybe? and Julia Gillard is Bloodline

paul smithson
@ricci simone Everything is Rigged ;0) Im Disgusted by what has happened to Australia.

Clarity GamingMusicVids
If US Military Intelligence is taking back control of America from the Deep State… is Australian Military doing the same here?  We have had a very dodgy & sometimes corrupt past from Globalist involvement…

But recent news seems to be somewhat positive;

  • -3rd Highest Catholic Cardinal & Vatican Chief Financial Officer arrested & sentenced.
  • -Banking Royal Commission has fined some of our biggest banks hundreds of millions of dollars for fraudulent activities.
  • -Offshore tax loopholes from Australian & International Companies operating in Australia are being closed.-Revolving door of Prime Ministers, 7 in the last 11years… (Positive or merry-go-rounnd smokescreen?)

A DINGO ATE MY BABY!! Marina Abramovic vs Lindy Chamberlain (First Satanic Sacrifice?)

Bill Smith
Published on 8 Aug 2018

Was Azaria Chamberlain (‘A Dingo Ate My Baby’) RITUALLY SACRAFICED by Marina Abramovic and Ulay?
No Body or skull was ever recoverd. Clothes recovered 3 years later after Lindy exhausted her appeals and was going to do LIFE IN JAIL – Clothes HAD NO DINGO DNA or SALIVA.

Lindy was found guilty of murder, exhausted all appeals, but then the missing baby clothes show up in the open, on the ground, with NO DINGO SALIVA or DNA present?? ..ok

You belive that??

Because everybody says the ‘Satanic Panic’ of the 80s was Fake News.
I don’t think so.


donna shone
The fact that Satan’s daughter (Marina) was there, stinks to high heaven. Yep, sacrificed. Bingo Bill!

Truth Seeker
Aboriginal trackers can find anything

Sean Kennedy
Well actually dingo tracks were discovered that night but the site had been so disturbed by dozens of people frantically searching the area before police and trackers were able to get there that they were unable to track it. I have a good friend who is from Mutijulu, the Aboriginal community at the base of Uluru, and she told me that they know that a dingo took Azaria and they knew which dingo did take her as it had been causing problems for them. It was eventually killed and handed over to authorities, but there was no way of being able to forensically determine that it was the one that killed Azaria.

And really, you should drop the Noble Savage approach, bush trackers are good, but not infalliable. They are just people like you and I but have been trained to look for signs in nature and are not magical.

Sean Kennedy
A troll? Nope, just an Aboriginal Australian who grew up with this story and is tired of the Noble Savage bullshit.

What claims did you want? About the trackers not being able to follow the prints because they were so badly disturbed by hordes of people? Read the police reports on this matter. This is a story about incompetent policing and a vindictive media witch hunt, not child sacrifice.

And what is this bullshit claim that Lindy Chamberlain “let” her baby be eaten by a dingo? She was sitting by a campfire surrounded by other tourists not far from their tent, which had baby Azaria and her older brother sleeping in it. A baby’s cry was heard by a number of people and Lindy ran over to the tent to see what was happening, only to see a dingo disappearing into the night with her baby in it’s mouth. Reagan stated that he was lying awake when a dingo entered the tent, sniffed around and stepped over him and then grabbed baby Azaria and dragged her away. Was he in on the sacrifice too or was he just mind controlled?

When people heard her screaming dozens of people rushed over and started scouring the place, disturbing any evidence of prints. Even when the police showed up they did not seal or secure the area and continued to allow people to wander around. The trackers criticised the police for this as it meant they could not find any worthwhile tracks, and this is all on record. This is the Northern Territory police, pretty much a cowboy outfit now, let alone 40 years ago. I know, I live in the Northern Territory. They were incompetent in their investigation and were spoken of scathingly in the report from the first and fourth coronial inquest which freed Lindy Chamberlain. But I guess the coroner was in on it too?

And thanks, but I am already awake.

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