The Never Ending Bus Trope – Tptwtb Have No Imagination?

Telegraph 14 January 2019: Blue Peoples Vote Bus Turns Up Outside Westminster. Theresa May has warned MPs in a speech that if they don’t vote for her deal then they risk no Brexit at all. Having spent two years saying no deal was better than a bad deal, and then in recent weeks switching to “it’s my deal or no deal”, Mrs May has now landed upon “my deal or no Brexit” as her preferred line of attack.

First we had the D Cameron ”Road To Recovery,” then the Theresa May For Britain Blue Bus; The Red Brexit Bus; the Fibberal Lemmingprats’ ”Opportunity For Everybody” Yellow Bus; and now the Peoples Vote ”77% of us Don’t Want Brexit”  Blue Bus.  We got back to blue pretty fast didn’t we – What about a Rainbow Bus if we have to have a bus at all?  I blame Cliff Richard with his Summer Holiday film really.  Making busses ”cool.”  That’s where it all started.

Why not go really daring & get Chris Eubank to bring his truck down – put a load on the back & have a visitor office where people can clamber aboard & sign up for a big gig around London.  The possibilities are endless except that the people writing these scripts don’t have a creative bone in their bodies.  Eddie Stobart anyone?  It would save a lot of money on bus resprays & signage.

The real trouble with busses is that there’s a designated route, lots of disparate people on board & only one driver – not even a conductor to help/advise.  Maybe that’s why these control freaks like them so much.

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