BBC The Andrew Marr Show Including An Interview With Jeremy Corbyn 13/01/2019 Kayn

Published on 13 Jan 2019

BBC in full pro EU anti Brexit mode. And wasn’t Labour’s manifesto in last GE to honour Brexit? Are they that arrogant to think voters will vote for them again? And isn’t ‘No deal’, Brexit?

Christina Clark
The casual dismissal, by Cable, of a majority vote in the biggest ever democratic exercise in the UK is absolutely breathtaking.

Waaq Cir
Norway = Single market with free movement of goods, people and services.
Leave = End to Free movement of people.

EU will not agree a single market in which there is NO FREE MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE and Norway option is a REMAIN-Deal in all but name.

Retracting article-50 is equivalent to assassination of democracy where May’s Deal deprives democratic right.

Were Article-50 is retracted neither conservatives nor Labor should be entitled to represent the people, certainly 17.4million Brittons feel betrayed, democracy has been violated and the Duopoly(cons&Lab) Must be held to account.

The whole world operates on WTO rules and that is the price of Democracy, NOT when it suits the pro-EU ELITES. A non-LEAVE option will never be entertained regardless of schemes or delays so let us get on with it.

Spartacus Forlife
I voted brexit but two years of conservative squabbling has put it in danger. Once the vote happened a government of all parties should have been set up to thrash out the intricacies of it. Approaches were made by parties to do this but may refused them, even though she had a minority government and her own party is split.

Dennis Jeffs
Kris Kruz absolutely agree, all remainers move to Scotland who will welcome their support for the EU, how you can be Independant AND be ruled by Brussels as well, I fail to see how that will work. We won’t need to build anymore houses because 48% of houses will be empty, big saving there, and we will have another £39 billion to spend and trade with the rest of the World. May can move to Austria and build a chalet on top of the highest mountain and yodel til her hearts content.

bo ptah
Lol. Jeremy Corbyn nearly said “Customs Union” but quickly said “customs arrangement” Traitor. and then went on to admit it was a customs Union. . Staggering

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