BBC Question Time 10/1/2019 LONDON

Published on 10 Jan 2019

Mark Spark
Spot the BBC plants. Woman in yellow jacket, man with a hat….man with bright yellow scarf. On top of that, the guy stating 4+thousand land rover jobs going, that is worldwide and a JLR issue, nothing to do with Brexit.

tom rawley
a new presenter and a new show? not a bit of it, one brexiteer versus 4 remainers, and no i havent miscounted because the tory mp masquerading as a brexiteer is voting for mays deal which is not brexit ! so more of the same from the bbc aye?

outside view
What a shower of sh** the only decent remark came from the french? man in the audience,should have gone to W.T.O. rules first and negotiated from that position and as for the grandstanding comedian do your research before you pick a fight with someone of higher intelligence.

Tee Payne
🤣🤣🤣 remainers feel betrayed is she having a laugh?
How do you think leavers feel moron? All people do is fear monger us constantly since the vote. Constantly trying everything to go back on the vote or trying to get the best out of 5. What should we do just keep voting every time we are not happy. So when the Tories are elected again are we allowed to have another vote and another until we get our own way?

The Criticiser
Yes JLR announced job losses but not because of Brexit. The EU funded the transfer of production to Slovakia. The punchline is that as one of the largest contributors to the EU we paid for our jobs to leave our country.
That’s why we have to get out of the EU and make sure they never have any power over us again.

Jamie Williams
The jackboot of authoritarian globalism is slowly but surely being lifted off the heads of free Europeans. From the streets of France to the Italian parliament, from Budapest to Brussels, from Catalonia to the UK. Things are now moving at such a pace that denial of this is nothing but hysterical nonsense born out of an entrenched dogmatic belief. Europeans are finally, finally moving to reclaim our continent.

GW: Yes even the Remainers are now admitting the EU needs to reform.

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