The town where criminals are being ‘let off’: Police release thugs ‘because the nearest cells are a two-hour round trip away’

Thief Taker, The Real World, United Kingdom,
This has been happening for years. Thanks to the government, policing is a complete shambles. But that’s what our government want, in order to make privatisation appealing.

Aggelos, Salisbury Plain Wiltshire, United Kingdom, 
It is the same in many places. Since the powers that be made the insane decision to close the old police station in Salisbury, the nearest location with cells is in Melksham! At least two hours out of the working shif5 to get there and back again!

GW: Not the only place I’ve heard that.  The Crims know exactly where they can operate with impunity because our coppers have one hand tied behind their backs by the political class – too much paperwork, no dedicated police office to work out of, given a laptop so they have to work from any space they can find, taking away their holding cells, reducing the size of the team they operate in etc etc etc.

The Fibberal Lemmingprats are going to redevelop our dedicated police station & local Court into flats.  You heard it in the Wobbly Orange first folks.

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