Bombard’s Body Language: The Chuck & Nancy Show /2019/01/09/body-language-government-shutdown-trump-vs-chuck-pelosi/
9 January 2019

Lol. Chelosi looked like tweedle de and tweedle dum…. all squished in behind that tiny podium…. pulling stern faces that should rightly be turned into memes.

How fake…

Gen. Stewart
Thank you for your contribution to the wake-up. We have to ask ourselves. Why are these older than dirt people, still in office? They are multi Millionaires, well past retirement age. Could it be that they sold their souls years ago? Committed crimes in amassing their wealth? Are they owned by a higher power that needs them in their positions?

“The world is waking up to these tactics.” And I would like to think that you have played a huge part in that, Mandy. These political debates are hard for the average person to sort out, and you are really helping, and for that, we all thank you. I thought this was one of your most effective videos ever. Your point about refuting Trump’s arguments was spot on; Pelosi and Schumer should have countered Trump’s points exactly as you said, and they didn’t. Bravo!

The only point I would have thought you would have made, and you didn’t, was: When you first see Pelosi and Schumer on-camera, I think they look terrified. If that’s true, then perhaps they know how hollow their rebuttal is: “Sure, all of Trump’s facts and figures are correct, but who cares about facts and figures? I just don’t like HOW he’s going about negotiating.” Isn’t that essentially what they said?

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