Why Are Celtic Men Shaving Their Heads? We are not Tartars are we.

GW: Saw this giant advertisement on the back of a bus this morning & thought tptwtb are really pushing this ”it’s cool to shave your hair off” trope right now & a load of Eastern European barbers with tattoos everywhere have suddenly opened on the high street. Why? This style seems to be associated ”avec d’un certain homme” n’est-ce pas?  It’s not necessarily a Celtic tradition.  From a Celtic female’s POI, it’s not an attractive look at all.  Either is the possession of a black bushy beard – which is also a real turn-off I’m afraid.  But let’s not just dwell on the shallow world of mutual attraction.  One should also look at the underlying reason why God gave us hair.  The hair is an extension of the nervous system.  We use our hair as a sensor.  Musicians often have long hair – why?  Remember that line ”Give me a head with hair – long beautiful hair?”  Remember the Scots warriors?  We have a Scots friend who had the most amazing long blond hair when in his 20s – good looking wasn’t even close – & he is quite a brain box still – very creative.  Remember what happened to Samson when they cut off his hair?  Celtic Warriors had long flowing hair.  Enough GW.  You have made your point.

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