Social Engineering

posted by NPP

E. Michael Jones is doing the rounds. I have a tendency to be suspicious of the Catholic Church and all Abrahamic redemption belief systems; I wonder what the ‘British Isles’ were like before that ‘invasion’. Catholic Jones is clear and decisive listening. I’m having a Jones period. TAP, I recommend. He mentions Freud and Jung, homosexuality gets a bad rap and I’m sure some quarters must deem him a big time anti-Semolinaic. Still, this is TAP and unlike the BBC we engage ideas.

Psicanálise e Engenharia Social – E. Michael Jones

  • ”Huxley’s Brave New World is a prophetic insight into what is happening today.”
  • There’s a line in A Quiet Man ”His father was sent to a penal colony in Australia & his uncle was a good man too.” The Irish had the idea they were oppressed and that they were forced into situations & now they embrace their oppressors.
  • If you are a docile consumer of toxic culture, you will end up filled with rage.  And now we have groups out there who are ready to ”manage” that rage & direct it against people that the Oligarchs don’t like.  ANTIFA is an example of people who are full of rage and are looking for an outlet for it.  People like Giorgi Swartz, who funds Black Lives Matter, are there to manage the rage by ruining people’s lives.  
  • Promoting Cultural Narcissism.
  • Jumping into the schools which are using Common Core learning & the use of emotion with ”social & emotional learning”.  It is the manipulation of emotion – not regulating it, but projecting it outside of oneself & that’s why that woman felt justified in throwing that chair at you.
  • GW: Dealt with one of those ”chair throwers” years ago.  He stood up and said he would throw it.  I told him to sit down or get out. He sat down.
  • John Money was involved in social engineering.  A set of parents took twin boys to John Money for advice over a circumcision gone wrong and Money purportedly treated the situation  by every year photographing them naked????  He would have the brother re-enact sex scenes as a girl with his sibling.  GW: And this bloke Money was a professional shrink????  What a tool!!!!

Michael MJL   (edited)
Nice one: 22:45 a constitutional Democracy does not work without a moral rational populace. Reason over Passion vs Passion over Reason. EMJ’s genius is to have a world view that while based on reason and a Christian morality, is so compelling if you get beyond the controversy of religion. He is a great spokesperson for the Catholic Church and how we cant’ view things today clearly unless we first see through the conditioning or todays upside down culture. No philosophy, religion, or political position is excluded from propaganda. EMJ is great at unraveling the confusion that surrounds us all. Brilliant talk here. Full of insights!

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