UK Column News – 24th July 2018

  • BG: This whole angst over Tommy Robinson & Islamophobia is being generated by the government and we should not fall for it. UK Government stoking up both sides so the state can bring in ”emergency powers” & crush the rest of us – don’t fall for it.
  • As for the need to ‘‘rescue” the White Helmets: If these White Helmets have been doing what they say they were doing then surely they would be safe in Syria and the population would be happy for them to stay.
  • John Lewis Partnership joins Bright Future programme to tackle modern slavery
  • MR: 130 Billion Pounds every year profit made from human trafficking & 54% is from sexual exploitation and only 150 Million put into prevention.  That is not going

    Chair of Business Against Slavery Forum

    to have any effect.  Is the ”Business Against Slavery Forum” going to have any effect?  The turnover of these companies involved is quite similar to the profit that is being made from modern slavery.  Government Policy is the biggest problem and some criticism of this would probably be better.  Wars increase the problem – park it all at the Government door.

  • UK spies broke law for 15 years, but what can you do? shrugs judge
  • BG: The UK Conservative Government are now acting beyond authority.  We have a cabal running the country – simple the members of the Cabinet Office with the secretive PERLE Office which deals with the global corporations and the international banking fraternity with connections through to the Privy Council and this is all secret to other MPs and so to the public.
  • MPs vote to grant themselves anonymity if accused of expenses fraud, sexual harassment… or anything else they don’t want you to know
  • BG: I found this interesting because a few weeks ago we actually made contact with the parliamentary commissioners office to ask some questions about Mr Keith Vaz but on that day back in June we established that this lady Kathryn Hudson whom the Telegraph reported, investigated just 1 in 10 complaints – was going to step down & we were intrigued to see she was going to be replaced by a Kathryn Stone – a former Victims’ Commissioner – with a background is in child protection social work & mental health.  What an interesting background for a Parliamentary Standards Commissioner.
  • BG: At the time the Commissioner was pursuing an inquiry into Keith Vaz. GW: This enquiry centred around video evidence of Vaz’s use of drugs & rent boys had been suspended for ”medical reasons” even  though Vaz was still well enough to attend several VIP Football events?????
  • The Vaz Enquiry is all ”confidential’‘.  No comment can be made on whether the Video forms the basis of the evidence.  The enquiry may take years and yet Vaz has not been suspended.  The first police investigation into Vaz was ”dropped.”
  • The Government webpage of 22 June 2018 with the heading ”Allegations Under Investigation” now been replaced with a new page entitles ”Complaints Process”.  GW: Didn’t David Cameron say that the TCs were going to create a new era of transparency?
  • UK Column has had a report from a ”reliable” source where

    2015 Vaz with unknown child.

    it was alleged that one or both of the rent boys were attacked and badly beaten in Poland.

  • Kathryn Stone has referred the Vaz case back to the MET in this on-going game of political ping pong.
  • VAZ FORTUNE PROBE Anti-fraud police confirm they are looking into allegations made against Labour MP Keith Vaz and his unexplained £4M wealth
  • BG: BBC’s crafted Cliff Richard case drives protective secrecy for those accused of abuse & sexual offences. Daily Mail: Now celebrities want to use Cliff Richard’s sex claim ordeal to restrict YOUR right to know
  • Lawyers argue over format of Charles´s evidence to abuse inquiry
  • Richard Scorer Lawyer for Survivors said: ”We wish to register our surprise & concern that the prince has chosen to put his evidence to the enquiry in the form of a letter as opposed to a witness statement verified by a statement f truth in the normal way that survivors giving evidence to the enquiry have done ….”
  • ”There are concerns about Charles’ letter in that it may be less than entirely frank about his relationship with Peter Ball and that it contains matters that he is reluctant to attach a formal statement of truth …” He also retweeted the following from Linda Woodhead:

  • Brian Willmot: ”Prince Charles is not above the law ….. any person who is Not prepared to stand and tell the Truth has something to hide…”
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