Ministers plan for social care tax to help plug £3.5billion funding gap and fund care homes

Under the plans, working Brits would be asked to save into a new insurance fund – which would then pay for their care in old age.

Currently older people who have assets – including their house – worth more than £23,250 must part-fund the cost of the care they receive.

The new proposal would see Brits pay a one-off lump sum on retirement to fund residential care or support at home, if needed.

Former Cabinet Minister Damian Green welcomed the proposals yesterday – but insisted older ‘baby boomers’ should also contribute to the scheme to make it “fair”.

He told The Sun: “If you need to spend more money the key thing is to try and make the payments fair across the generation.”

“If people of a working age put money into an insurance premium, then older people who have property wealth should also be a very small amount of wealth aside too.”

“If you don’t then today’s 50 year-old is not only paying for their own care but the care of today’s 70 year-old.”

GW: So the working Brits and those ”with assets” who have already paid full tax for all their working life – including NI which is supposed to cover these things – now need to cough up even more money to support the rest – including those who have come here and have never contributed a thing to the tax system?

UK Column reported yesterday that Keith Vaz was worth 4 Million quid.  Well he doesn’t need to pull a salary and neither does Jeremy Hunt.  Why don’t we save money that way by cutting parliamentary expenses and salaries?  Wouldn’t take very long.  And of course they fiddle their expenses on top and this information has now been anonomized.  Load of crooks!

Have a listen here.

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