Child Sex Crimes Double In Sadiq Khan’s London

The number of sex crimes committed against young children in Sadiq Khan’s London has almost doubled to 1,200 in the last year, new statistics show.

Despite research showing that 84 per cent of CSE offenders are ‘Asian’ while the vast majority of victims are white, the Police Commissioner Cressida Dick appeared to reject the notion of any cultural or racial aspect to grooming gangs.  And what of Mr Khant?  Well there’s that sad, haunted face again.

According to research published by the Evening Standard, the number of child rape cases in 2017 rose by a staggering 30 per cent on the previous year.

The Metropolitan Police claimed it had seen no evidence London was facing similar scandals to towns like Telford and Rotherham, where ‘politically correct’ police and authorities failed to act as hundreds of girls were raped, beaten and trafficked.

However, officers in London acknowledged they were “tackling child sexual exploitation linked to gangs and other issues such as County Lines drug dealing”, according to the Standard, which recalled police identifying a grooming gang targeting girls “as young at 13”, operating around a McDonald’s restaurant in Stratford last year.

Indeed, Scotland Yard was worse at safeguarding children at risk of child sexual exploitation and rape than it was 12 months earlier, according to a report published in November.

Grooming gangs like the one in Stratford operate across the UK, police fear. In August, 18 people (pictured) were convicted of abusing girls in Newcastle

GW: Sadly the two puppets featured above don’t really give a rats **** about what happens to the girls.

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