M6 closed: Police lockdown motorway as 3 cars and van crash – long delays


Calling the M6 a Motorway is an insult. It’s a dodgem track.

Oh look an Audi driver involved.

These dictators have never accepted the Democratic right to Leave. Fought every idea and if they agree to this you know it’s a bad deal for us. May was wrong she should have said we are leaving, however there’s XYZ on the financial table & only if we have what we want. If you don’t like it then don’t accept it. Whatever depth of colour it is, it is a fudge which will end up the same. She hasn’t a clue how to obey a referendum so if Corbyn wins, every business that doesn’t like taxes or any other laws on highly excessive business pay, he can alter them SAME THING but he will be stronger on that and May has failed on that side of it. They have had 4 years to prepare for all scenarios but these mugs in Government don’t listen to the British Public They didn’t expect the vote to turn out as it did.

GW:  Well Katy I think I see your point.  Back to yet another car driving mishap.  Two factors.  First as soon as it gets HOT in UK ”some” of the population get into their cars and buzz about like hornets for some reason losing complete control of their senses.  Secondly there is a new group of UK road users who don’t obey any of the highway code and who lack any kind of common curtesy.  I encountered yet another one of these yesterday in Watford and I thoroughly detest them.  It shot out from the rhl into the lhl,  which is primarily used for turning LEFT, then wove back into the rhl to use the underpass.  It did this just at the point when I was making a move into said lhl.  But for the Grace of God, that would have been yet ANOTHER road accident and I would have been a completely innocent party!

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