Mobile Phone Masts Being Placed Too Close To Primary Schools

The latest is Dartington Primary School in Devon where parents say that a new Vodaphone mast has been built just 50 yards from classrooms.  Originally Vodaphone wanted to build the thing on the actual site.

Parents at the school in Totnes say that radiation levels are 40% above the safe level in the playground and they insist that the 33 foot Vodaphone mast be moved.

Darlington Primary was billed as ”Zero carbon” and ”visionary” when it opened in 2010 after a 7 Million rebuild by Interserve and architect White Design.

2008: 14 die of cancer in seven years living next to phone mast with highest radiation levels in UK

2011: Worried parents are battling mobile phone giants over plans to site a mast inside a church tower near a Kingston primary school.

2011: Anger at 60 foot Vodaphone/O2 phone mast project near Forthill Primary School

2012:Ban mobile phone masts next to schools to stop exposing children to harmful radiation, says expert

2015: Will Vodafone get the message about Barnes phone mast?

2015: The approval of a 12.5m phone mast near a school and scout hut in Worcester has provoked outrage among parents worried radiation could affect their children’s health

2016: Parents say they are worried about their children’s health after plans to increase the height of a mobile telephone mast just yards from a Dagenham schoolgate 

2017: Head teacher at Woolwich primary furious after council miss deadline to prevent Vodaphone phone mast being built outside school

Mary8 23rdMay 2017
Dr Gerard Hyland, of the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick, has argued that transmitter masts should not be sited near schools
because evidence showed they posed a threat to children’s health.
He said that although the intensity of radiation from transmitters had been shown in tests to be safe, its frequency had not been.
The frequency of pulses in transmitter emissions, he said, could affect the brains of young children which were still developing up until the age of about 12. 27th May 2017 
They can affect the brains of virtually all living things. The Canadian INTERPHONE study data has just been reanalysed and the risk of glioma (brain cancer) doubled with relatively heavy vs. relatively light use of mobile phones to place calls using 2G. 3G/4G are more neurologically active still. Read up, and spread the word, it’s incumbent on us all to stop this madness 27th May 2017
Some element of truth in this, although you can still get high microwave radiation readings below masts close up, both due to the omnidirectional nature of the antennae and indeed due to microwaves bouncing off things in the vicinity.

The future lies in other communications technologies (fibre, LiFi etc); within a generation we will be speaking of non-ionising radiation in the same terms as smoking and passive smoking today.

Sadly, millions, possibly billions, will die needlessly in the meantime (markedly raised risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia, etc): guess that’s what the elite consider ‘progress’!

2017: RESIDENTS in Box have demanded more answers about the dangers of phone masts after a controversial planning application to build a 40ft tall phone mast …

Phone Mast Victims suffer Headaches, Migranes, Nausea

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