Family flee home after their £56,000 Volvo hybrid car bursts into flames while charging on their driveway

11 April 2018

Arturo, UK
£56k for a Volvo, that is completely outrageous. I find it strange that anyone buys these hybrid or electric cars anyway. The green lobby always go on about reduced emissions, but the electricity to charge the car will probably have been produced by burning fossil fuels anyway. Enormous amounts of energy are also used in the vehicle production process and then there is the problem of lithium battery end of life disposal with all those toxic chemicals. The whole warmist agenda is a gigantic example of collective climate change group-think, virtue signalling and confirmation bias.

PJ-, crowborough, United Kingdom
Electric cars add more CO2 with distribution losses and charging/discharging. They are just a virtue signalling nonsense for the well-off.

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