Son wants justice 26 years on from mum’s death

June 13, 2015

THE son of a woman who died after being hit by a police car 26 years ago claims his family are victims of a “massive miscarriage of justice”.

When Raj Mahay’s mum Kishni, 64, was hit by a police car responding to a accident, it changed his life forever. She was thrown more that 30 yards. Minutes later Mahay came to her side and collapsed after seeing her lifeless body.

“My life changed that day – it was a 9/11 moment for me,” he told Eastern Eye.

“She was the spine of the family. She had a lot to look forward to.”

West Midlands Police have said the incident, which took place in the evening of Tuesday 14 March, 1989, was a “tragic accident”.

Mahay however believes the police, who have yet to apologise, were using excessive speed when they knocked down his mother, who was seen walking on a pelican crossing. He also reckons there was a “blatant cover up” with the original investigation to find the cause of his mother’s death.

Son wants justice 26 years on from mum’s death

Campaign for Justice

Giving Kishni Mahay Dignity in Death

This UK Government Petition needs 100,000 Signatures to have this discussed in House of Commons

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