Alison Chabloz is spared jail but banned from social media for a year

Alison Chabloz with her Barrister.

Alison of Charlesworth in Derbyshire, was convicted of causing an offensive, indecent or menacing message to be sent over a public communications network after performing songs at a London Forum event in 2016.

She finished her set at an event compèred by London Forum leader Jeremy Bedford-Turner with a parody of Edith Piaf’s ‘Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien’ and  a quenelle salute.

Alison Chabloz Website

GW: Alison has been labelled by the MSM as ”far-right” – whatever that means these days – and it’s also insinuated that she may have ”terrorist” sentiments. This is utter bullcrap. I have met Alison personally.  She has strong opinions and she is well educated with a good sense of humour.  Basically Alison is a musician & songwriter who is interested in music remaining what it should be – for entertaining and educating.  She often uses parody. What’s wrong with parody anyway unless those being parodied have guilty consciences?  What’s more, I too adore Edith Piaf’s songs and have visited her grave at Père Lachaise Cemetery where I talked with other Edith Piaf admirers.  It’s a type of club that tptwtb wouldn’t understand.

Meanwhile just look what the ”far right” was getting up to in 2016.

21 September 2016

David Czerwonko with Jeremy Bedford-Turner

Three weekends and two flops for London Forum

”David Czerwonko, a Polish chef who has lived in England for two years, was fined £185 at Westminster magistrates’ court on 19 September after admitting ”snatching a pink beret” from the head of the comedian Eddie Izzard at a pro-EU march in Whitehall on 3 September.  He was holding a large banner supporting the Brexit campaign.”

GW: So basically these people got caught physically & vocally engaging in some anti globalist activities which tptwtb found quite threatening????  Snatching a pink beret off Eddie Izzard?  Eddie Izzard has coined it big time exploiting his lgbt credentials.

Why isn’t the criminal justice system sorting out more of those who do actual bodily harm – even killing people – and those that burgle peoples’ homes?  Oh they haven’t got time to sort those out – too busy with their Social Justice Warrior Agenda!

Edith Piaf – Non, je ne regrette rien

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