Theresa May says she will ‘always regret’ not meeting Grenfell Tower survivors after the fire

The reason she did not meet them was because it would have been a PR disaster (far worse than sending her chief psycopath, Sajid Javid, whose attempts at mimicking empathy were truly spine-chilling). Why not just tell the truth if you are going to bring it up now, which was that your advisors forbade you from going, in the same was as your advisors suggested they write this article for you?

To be honest if I’d just lost everything then her beaky face would’ve been the last thing I’d wanted to have seen. Corbyn would’ve been welcome though. A real person.

It has been obvious for a while that May needs to make more of an effort of pretending to care, be it about the Grenfell victims, the “just about managing”, people with disabilities, the refugee victims of Britain’s illegal wars, commuters or the damage inflicted on the nation by her caack handed Brexit policy. and her incompetent government. “Seeming to care” is so much more important when you actually could not care less.

Regrets? I’ve had a lot But then again, too many to mention […] I did it all May’s way.

She was too busy chasing Arlene of the DUP at the time so secure her grubby hands as PM.

So the heartless soulless harpy Theresa May needs a focus group to tell her that she shows no Christian compassion or basic humanity. And this from the daughter of a Vicar! Theresa May, worshipping the Devil in the name of God.

She didn’t care a still doesn’t She is a nasty and cold piece of work, but then she is also a Tory so that’s all the explanation you need. Not sure why she’s having a panic attack about it now. Her advisers have obviously told her to say something.

GW:  Wouldn’t let it worry you Theresa – you are also ignoring 17.4 Million BREXIT voters as well.  Just doing what comes naturally for a control freak?  And during the 2017 campaign the feeling was kind of mutual really.  No-one wanted to attend your rallies either – they were more interested in seeing what Corbyn had to say.

Theresa May’s attempts to avoid the public reach a new low as her rally is listed as a kids’ party

Remember this?

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