The Truth About Cultural Appropriation

The Truth Factory
Published on 11 May 2018

GW: Go for it Kitty.

OsakaRose Sakura
Damn, where you been, Kitty Cat? Out catting around? Shame on you! Here’s my 2 cents, as a Japanese-American, I don’t give a damn if you wear a kimono. It’s OK by me! I like Chinese food, tacos, tequila, Scotch whisky, bratwurst, baguette, pizza, sushi, hamburgers, French fries, et cetera, et cetera! I am multi-cultural and if someone doesn’t like that, screw them! 🙂

Tim Michaels
Smoking a peace pipe and hitting the kitty bell. 😊

Purr Cat
I bought a Jeep Cherokee but then decided i wanted an Apache. I joined the non-boy scouts as a male lesbian but, dumb luck this, i was kicked out for eating brownies. 😘

Happy Fox
I’d love to see a cultural appropriation day where Islam is the theme. (Watch the machetes fly when one person shows up dressed up as Mohamed).

Chris Wesney (edited)
It sucks to know that I won’t live long enough to see how exactly the lib-tards will feed our species back to the earth. The sad irony is that when I was young the libs taught “evolution” against the want’s/wishes of the religious “right wing” in America. Now the left cannot see that they are violating the rules of Darwin and only the dumb get a free ride…Idiocracy has actually become a biblical warning.

Spot on, as usual! The Cultural Police, are nothing more than the ”No Fun Here Thanks Police!” Anything that’s fun, we are no longer allowed to do it, because it may make us all happy, then what would we do? They keep talking about starting Civil War II. I wish they would go ahead and kick it off. Our side has hundreds of millions of firearms, and a few trillion rounds of ammunition, and their side can’t figure out which effing bathroom to use! That herd needs some serious thinning! One last thought… Aren’t the white people who were pulling down the historical statue, then kicking and spitting on it, guilty of Cultural Appropriation?

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