Rescue boat carrying 600 refugees stranded in Mediterranean because no European country will let it dock

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s interior minister and leader of far-right party Lega Nord (Northern League), said on Sunday that all Italian ports were closed to the Aquarius, and called on Malta to take in the vessel.

In a Facebook post he wrote: “Malta takes in nobody. France pushes people back at the border, Spain defends its frontier with weapons. From today, Italy will also start to say no to human trafficking, no to the business of illegal immigration.”

These folks are not refugees – they are economic migrants being trafficked to Europe by the NGOs who “rescued” them. The solution is to automatically return these folks to Libya, the country they set off from in their attempt to enter Europe illegally

It’s wonderful to see a leader who actually puts his people before his own career, before grandstanding and despite the bullying threats of NGOs etc. Well done Mr Salvini, stick to your guns and make sure that the right thing is done. SOS Méditerranée could very easily return these illegal migrants to Libya; but no, they intend to bully and blackmail their way into an EU port as they carry out their wider political plan. Stand firm Italy, the majority (the silent, honourable majority) are with you. We will not continue to allow ourselves to be abused in this way.

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