Lagarde: Pistols at Dawn it is then! Trump’s not interested in the ”Old Lagarde” Christine – He won’t wait till then.

If looks could kill Trump would be dead – Lagarde & the rest of the Euro Bullies have met their match?–Theresa-May-expected-to-address-US-TRADE-WAR-and-Trump-tariffs-as-summit-ends.HkzCz6FgQ.html

GW: What a load of sharks the Euro Bullies are all cornered in a dirty Euro Tank swimming round and round looking for an escape hatch. Meanwhile Trump flies off to Singapore early – they must have really hated that.  And ”Christine’s” suddenly looking more like ”Christopher” every minute.  Who’s taking male hormones then?

Brrriiing Brrriiing?  Gideon?  Yes GW?  Will you get that please?  Right you are GW.  Rattel Rattle.  Hello?  Whisper Whisper Whisper.  ??????  Are you quite sure?  Well, Whisper Whisper Whisper!!!!!  Good Lord!!!! Who is it Gideon?  Well, GW he calls himself ”The Skiper” – spelled with 1 p.  And what’s he got to say?  Well GW, perhaps you had better have a listen.

The Skiper 1223
Published on 28 Apr 2017

GW: It’s got a moustache in one of the pics!

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