Government loses more than £2bn of taxpayers’ money selling off RBS shares despite warnings

Sir Osmic Scrutter
The government is desperste as it doesn’t have any money for bribes and Brexit and it really doesn’t want Labour getting it’s hands on RBS when they get in…so May has to sell now and claw back some wonga while they can still get at it and it’s also a two fingered salute to Labour in the process as they know RBS us part of their future plans. Well, it’s a way of looking at it.

This is the Tory MO. Use our money to ‘Save’ the banks (and bankers) then sell everything back to them at a cut price.

Exactly… The loss is not accidental… it’s the Tories transferring public wealth to their mates. Everything they do has this as a motive... Look carefully…

Despite the Conservative austerity program these clowns have actually grown the British National Debt to £1.8 TRILLION! They have borrowed more money than every previous Labour government combined and now they are shaking their magic money tree for another £30 billion for a new runway for Heathrow at a time when their cuts to the N.H.S. budget are killing people.


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