UK Column News – 1st June 2018


Jack Drusus
However you slice and dice the facts, it will be US that either causes world three or brings down the world financial system as in 1929/2008-period. The US deep state is in an advanced state of instructional psychosis/paranoia. The psychopaths that run Washington have the same mentality as Hitler did in 1945 in his bunker..If we can’t control the world we take it to hell with us.

Joan Northam
Trump isn’t after a trade war – he’s after DISRUPTING both in USA and in Europe the vested interests who operate for their own profit, and have no interest in the welfare of the people the claim to “serve”. He’s not after war, either. But if he can break up all these monilithic structures and they lose their power, both US and the world will be better off. There’s a bill now that has passed the Senate (there’s a miracle!) after a long fight, and it is authorising the auditing of the Federal Reserve Bank – THAT should produce some radical results! He knows that the EU is a dictatorial and tyrannical institution, so it’s earmarked to fail – and it will, since it has been effectively bankrupt for years. Bring it on!

Jonny Parker   (edited)
Tommy Robinson is a zionist shill. It’s a little worrying that you guys haven’t picked up on the psy-op with him and RebelMedia. It’s so obvious guys.
Go on steemit and find “Fake News Report” channel, Jeff C, he has recently covered stuff on Yaxley. Thanks Mike for clearing up at the end there, the cause of the problem is these elite groups that are involved with satanism and big money, and guess what most of them are white, or zionists.

Susie Wood  (edited)
I have a question. Why was the paedophile rape gang members’ trial split into 3?  Surely no matter how many defendants they should have been tried together. They were one gang with inter-connected offences and should have been tried as such, under JOINT ENTERPRISE in my opinion. I think this was done so the scale of the abuse could be minimized. Does anybody with legal knowledge know? Is there a precedence for this? If it is purely the number of defendants that is not serving justice.

Tania Cummings  (edited)
Susie Wood I don’t know how valid this is, but there were 29 defendants in this particular trial alone and I have heard it said they could not have fitted all defendants from all 3 linked trials into one courtroom. I imagine also the onus on the jury, extended time for hearing each issue, and so on would have been factors in doing them all in one go. Do we have a list of defendants from the first trial yet? How many there were and the numbers of offences each that had to be heard? Multiple offences each from the 2nd trial Tommy was covering, apparently, from the list I saw.

VeaterEcosan Britain Aping Israel on the back of Zionist-Inspired Terrorism?  When did the British public agree to this fundamental change in the philosophy and practice of British policing?

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