UK USEFUL IDIOTS Exposed! (Saul Alinsky Change Agents)

Windows On The World
Published on 30 Jan 2018

Michael Black: Psychological Warfare & Subversion: Cultural Marxism, Islamism and Feminism

The Cloward Piven Strategy – Kurt Nimmo | The bankers supported “communism” in order to realize “outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed.”

Chris an activist from Broxbourne in Hertfordshire talks about what’s happening on his patch.  Chris said what about an award for ”Dictatorship Excellence” and tell them on Twitter.

DEMOS – lost to Windows On The World in a debate over 9/11 because they were not fact based.

  • ”The Biggest Protest In British History” is going to be against Trump visiting the UK?
  • MW:‘Who would go to anything organised by Owen Jones for goodness sake?’
  • What are they protesting about?  These types define themselves via ‘‘identity politics”.
  • Agenda-Led ID Politics – the protesters made it clear intend to publicise groups that Donald Trump doesn’t like.  Groups such as Operation Black Vote for instance. These groups are not about ”integration” but about ”divide & rule.”
  • Funded by the usual – Joseph Rowntree FoundationEsmée Fairbairn Foundation
  • A Shadow Government exists which many people are not aware of.  They think that the political system they can see is all that there is.
  • ”Price parking appropriately to ease congestion” – in other words stop you parking there.  Changing roads to ”Shared Spaces” – this is madness & they are using our taxes to achieve this.  ”Create a sense of enclosure and avoid too much grey & green’‘?????  Thought green was good.
  • The Psychological Society – Employ ”Useful Idiots” e.g. the mindless but devious puppet Sadiq Khan – someone who will take any side.  They have no morals and rarely have a viewpoint.
  • Saul Alinsky: 1.Power is not only what you have, but what ‘‘the enemy” thinks you have.  2. Never go outside the expertise of your people – keep things simple.  3.  Go outside the expertise of ”the enemy”.  MW: This is failing because although they are good at blaming you they are not good at arguing with you.  4. Make ”the enemy” live up to their own book of rules.  If you are in public office – they may harass you to make it look like you’re not doing your job properly.  Best thing to do is find out what things they are doing illegally & say well we can’t talk to you anymore because you are acting illegally.  5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.  However most of them don’t have a sense of humour –”useful idiot” is particularly effective against them.  They are not good at making things enjoyable either.  6.  Don’t become old news – try to dress up the tactic in a new way.  7.  Keep the pressure on in different ways.  If you ”blow a fuse” they have won.  So be careful.  8.  Incidents will be arranged to happen – slight gap – and then come in again when you think you have beaten them.  9.  The threat of what might happen is often more frightful than the possible consequences.  Mostly the threats are empty. 10. If you push a negative hard enough it can be a positive.  e.g. Agent Provocateurs pushing the legitimate group to take action against them turning them into ”the victim” – the public would then sympathise with them rather than you. 11.  Be prepared with a solution – never be caught without one. Stick to facts & write everything down.
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