Monthly Archives: January 2018

Daniel Bernath Deep State Trafficker

urban moving Published on 28 Jan 2018 Charles Hobbin Rocking. Bro, best channel and U ask for zero! Love hearing the cig lighting up and coffee sips. My man… & you’re 100%. Criminals are arrogant & psychotic u_m. Watch your … Continue reading

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Antifa Activists Burn Memorial Photos of Kate Steinle

Who is Kate Steinle? ”Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 54, has acknowledged shooting 32-year-old Kate Steinle in the back while she was walking with her father on the downtown San Francisco pier on July 1, 2015”  Was Zarate paid money by … Continue reading

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Migrant women are being scared away from the NHS because the Home Office is taking data from patient records

Lucinda Hiam is a GP and advisor to Doctors Of The World Clinic in East London. ” It started to go wrong for Sara from the age of eight, when her mum died. When her stepmother sold her into domestic … Continue reading

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Cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck has $500m Nem coins STOLEN in biggest hack in history

”Representatives of Coincheck, the operator of the cryptocurrency NEM, told a press conferenece in Tokyo that some 58 billion yen of the digital currency they manage has disappeared from a Japanese exchange due to hacking.” PvdkNederlandNL It’s an inside … Continue reading

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Compensation lawyers BANNED from hospitals after £1.7 billion bill

”Health bosses said “every effort” should be made to prevent lawyers from approaching patients or families in hospital without permission. Hospitals spent £1.7billion on negligence claims in the year to April 2017 with legal costs accounting for an estimated 36 … Continue reading

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Calais migrant numbers swell to near-Jungle levels after The Biscuit demands UK accepts more GW: UK is a modest area of land with 80 Million plus here already and the highest population density in Europe 660 per sq mile – we’re full up at the moment but there are OTHER places in Europe where … Continue reading

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Have you ever set eyes on a British politician in such a tearing hurry as Gavin Williamson?

”In a few years, the Defence Secretary who kept Cronus the tarantula in his office grew from parliamentary new bug into a gigantic, powerful spider. In fewer weeks, he has swapped the shadowy world of Chief Whip for a halogen-lit … Continue reading

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Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images

Four Notorious Cases of Media Distortion 1. Coverage by CNN of 2008 Riots in Tibet Alleged Chinese cops in khaki uniforms repressing Tibet demonstrators in China, CNN, March 14, 2008 1’38”, 1’40″ (images above) Their khaki uniforms with berets seem … Continue reading

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Sting Live – Spirits In The Material World (jimmy kimmel show 2005)

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Controversy over Corbyn’s Holocaust memorial message’s-holocaust-memorial-message/ar-AAvcvvQ Kaivey @ AAG 26 January 2018 What a load of baloney, everyone knows what the holocaust fracas refers to. This is a fake outrage to discredit Corbyn. How do they get away with this nonsense? A longer message from the Labour … Continue reading

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