The Slog: IABATO: “It’s all Brexit and that’s Official”

”A statement from earlier today (Monday) from the Media Johnnies in the Cabinet Office:

“We are about to enter into a negotiation with the European Union on the end state, and achieving that partnership the prime minister believes will be in the interests of the UK and the EU, so it will of course be clear what the UK is seeking to achieve.”

Barmier gives the Masonic ”Help Me” hand sign – My My My – We’re ALL Masons now!

Ah, right then: this must be why Michel Barnier has just issued a statement saying the UK will not be able to veto new EU laws during the transition period. Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said the guidelines were adopted less than an hour into a meeting of European affairs ministers, adding, “we hope an agreement on this with the U.K. can also be closed swiftly.”

I’m told the decision took twenty minutes to reach. The media was told about this profoundly superficial diktat by the Deputy PM of Bulgaria. One wonders what her ancestors were doing on D-Day.

All of which leaves me wondering about phrases like ‘the end state’, ‘partnership’, ‘the interests of the UK’, and ‘what the UK is seeking to achieve’. Chiefly, I wonder whatTF if anything all this Mayflower tosh means.

FlipFlop Hammond has a louse bite on his lip?

The British Chancellor today said he foresaw a Brexit that would do little more than create “a modest” difference in our relationship with the EU. I’m not sure I give & monkey’s chuff what the Hammond Organ foresees. What the UK electorate was given in 2016 was a straight choice: in with the Cosa Nostra, or out of a federalist horror fantasy made more nightmarish by a Living Dead currency. The electors chose “out”.

Flipflop Hammond is obviously unwilling to accept that decision….a disdain he shares with Momentum, Mandelson, Blair, Campbell, Clegg, Juncker, Draghi and all the other unspeakably unaccountable trying to dilute our liberties.

Tonight, Westminster is awash with Tory survivalists insisting that All Is Well. But the number of scared MPs from all Parties is on the rise. They don’t have nothing to lose; but their view is increasingly that they have far too much to lose.

The Number of ”UK MPs Scared of BREXIT” In Graphical Format – Thanks to GW Research Team.

We are drifting into a nothingness attempting to please everyone. As is so often the case, it will wind up pleasing nobody. May’s position is nowhere near as secure as some think.”

January 29, 2018
BRINO .. BREXIT IN NAME ONLY .. the worst of all outcomes and betrayal .

January 30, 2018
If Brexit is not delivered as we voted for then democracy in this country is utterly meaningless. It will be dead in the water. There will be absolutely no point in voting because vested interests will override whatever it is you voted for or against. If there is no point in voting then politicians of any stripe have no legality (considering how few may have voted). I would posit that if under half of your population vote then no government has a mandate. At that point, all bets are off.

January 30, 2018
Oh am I soooooo glad I voted brexit. Without sounding smug-oh go on then-everything I thought would happen by voting Leave has/is happening. ..

With a vengence. First thing was to expose the UK fake/Rigid left-the vast majority who are middle class champagne socialists (a tired but accurate phrase) who at the first sign of any real change/upheavel/threat to status always take the side of self presevation and the status quo. These middle-class ‘wadicals’ had been shouting for a insurrection against the elites for decades and what do they do when it finally arrives? Side with the big banks and corporations.

Second thing was to shatter the Tory party; that neoliberal shower of corrupt self-serving sociopathic corporatewhores and its working magnificently-the fractures that were always present have widened into unbridgable canyons-the fake brexit being offered will satisfy neither bunch. Who knows how all this will end but(Optimistic mode on) the political vacuum and resultant opportunity for a real break with the broken system, via a new UKIP or a new anti-globalisation movement beyond left and Right, has never looked better.

A Kearsley Lad
January 30, 2018
When will the Remoaners (all of them) realise that Britain has NO FRIENDS in europe and that there is NOT going to be a long and special relationship with the EU.  Wishing it does not make it so. Britain is only going to get what the EU wants to give her, nothing more, and it is not looking very promising at the moment ‘No deal’ is looking like the only option.

The current ‘team’ of negotiators are useless appeasers, intent on meeting the demands of the EU side at all costs – unless they are replaced the outlook is grim.

When finding a replacement for May it is well to remember that there was massive opposition to Churchill succeeding Chamberlain during WWII but that seemed to turn out OK if I recall correctly. Churchill had his faults but he also had the talent to do the job required. Don’ rule out Jacob Rees-Mogg; he seems to be the only one serious about leaving.

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