Grenfell Tower disaster parallels in House of Cards, 1993.


There is a lot of precinct media from the 80’s and 90’s. A Very British Coup describes Corbyn’s rise to power and hammering from the right-wing media perfectly!

martin sadler
Hi Michel, he’s Ian Richardson. Dead now but a wonderful, classical actor who worked often with the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Grenfell Tower is yet another example of how serious fires do not cause skyscrapers to collapse to the ground. A traditional Japanese temple maybe – a steel structured tower block, no.

So we’re still left wondering: How did it come about that a fire on two storeys of the Salomon Brothers skyscraper in 2001 (the old World Trade Center Building 7) caused the whole structure to sink majestically onto it’s own footprint at very close to free-fall acceleration ?

Just sixteen years after 9/11 the evidence that we have been fed a completely false narrative about that day stands smouldering in London today. That sad inferno draws an awe-inspiring disparity between the elite and the drones:

2001high tech destruction of WTC in just 11 seconds for more power & money

2017 – low tech failure to safeguard against ordinary fires for the impoverished

What is assiduously omitted from reportage is sometimes referred to as the “negative template” or mask, and is often of crucial interest. In the case of our annual 9/11 exhibit at Coventry’s Godiva Festival, that missing key is provided by Dr. Judy Wood’s book “Where Did the Towers Go”. Wikipedia will not permit an entry to be created on this author, so it’s difficult information to find. But it’s genuine.

Come along to the City of Coventry’s Godiva Festival 7 to 9 July if you want to talk about it…

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