UK Column News 30 January 2018

George Greek Trucker

Dr David Halpern reappointed as What Works National Adviser – Halpern created ”Mindspace – Influencung Behaviour Through Public Policy” – Brainwashing Program by UK Gov.

David Lidington’s: What Works NetworkNICE, Education Endowment Foundation, College of Policing For Crime Reduction, (going to change GP’s perception of what is crime?) Early Intervention Foundation, LEG, Centre For Ageing Better, ,WWCfW, D Cameron’s Big Society is now coming to the surface.

Charity Commission: Charity sector comes together to co-ordinate future response to national critical incidents – 25 charities, umbrella bodies, fundraising platforms and charity regulators meet to discuss role in responding to future domestic disasters – First on the list? British Red Cross!  Goodness Me.

The Tories are ready to leap into the abyss to get rid of Theresa May – ”The government needs to start f****** doing something” – Unknown Cult Member of ToriCon Party.

UKC look at Anne McElvoy’s lacklustre coverage of #wef18 in Davos.

The Ministry of Defence’s arrangement with Annington Property Limited

Daily Mail:  Big Lizzie springs ANOTHER leak: Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth’s sprinkler system misfires just weeks after £3.1bn warship started taking in water through propeller seal Mr Gerrish, having had experience of such matters in the past, implied that this was either poor journalism or Fake News as the leak was more likely to be where the propellor shaft enters the hull of the vessel.

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