Stephen Hawking and leading doctors to take Jeremy Hunt to court over ‘back-door privatisation’ of NHS

The Health Secretary has faced a barrage of criticism over the performance of the NHS during the winter

”Under Hunt’s plans the boundaries between different parts of the NHS that pay for and provide care, such as hospitals, GPs and clinical commissioning groups, would be dissolved.

Responsibility for patients in these areas would be held by new healthcare overseers called Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs) which could lead to newly merged NHS super-organisations or a non-NHS body being awarded contracts to manage and provide entire packages of care.”

Is it remotely possible that the duplicitous, smug-faced odious Jeremy Crunt might possibly be held to account for the present, parlous state the NHS is in under his watch..

Can I suggest to see what medics think about ACO’s ?

Sanity Bridge
How strange that the BBC should be entirely silent over this story, guess we know who pulls their strings.

You know, these ACO’s sound something like Carillion, and could end up costing the taxpayer money, both in private health insurance premiums, and bailout subsidies similar to Stage coach and Virgin trains, and let’s not forget the banks.

Many have wondered why May has not moved Hunt from health to another ministerial job where he could not cause the public any trouble, and then it dawned on me why not, he has been tasked to privatise the NHS, and that is why he wears that smug smile oh his duplicitous face.

look who it is – doctor shipmen the killer.

Good – time to get that smirk off Jeremy (c)Hunt’s face.

Only a stock market crash could achieve that

They are behaving exactly like a you would expect a party clinging onto power by bribes to the Ulster Unionists.
They are escaping to the airport whilst selling everything off to their mates from the backseat of their car.

Cameron and Clegg are the ones who privatised so much by stealth. I despise Clegg. the weakest most subservient imbecile to have ever held such a high position.
I was watching something on the telly which I thought was some sort of new comedy programme when I realised it was a Party Political Broadcast by the Liberals. It centred around a septuagenarian halfwits hat. The same eejit who privatised the Post Office.

“These ACOs in turn could choose to either subcontract the service or provide it themselves”. The fiasco at Carillion should be a warning to all of the dangers of subcontracting. When something goes wrong the subcontractors take the hit, whist the larger organisation trouser the profits and walk away scott free. Hunt is a disaster for the health service, and May either doesn’t care about what is happening or is totally out of touch. It seems she is in office but not in charge and Hunt is free to do whatever he wishes with the health service. It is a race to privatization in his case.

GW:  These new ACOs further remove the ability of the NHS to provide equitable care around England.  Treatments would be available at the discretion of possibly a private entity.  Private entities are only concerned with the degree of profit they generate.  Your health is now just another ”commodity” on the ”market” according to the TCs & their mates.  Oh and your medical history?  Sold to Goggle – BigData – it’s all about maximisation folks & if you’ve got a few skin cells left or a couple of teeth – they’ll take those as well!

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