Life after death: Doctor ‘saw cauldron of HELL and heard screams of the DAMNED’

”As he felt himself leave his anesthetized body he said: ““I was now seriously frightened. What was going on? Would my untethered consciousness ever get back into my body — or was I destined to roam through eternity as a spirit?

“I flew up to the ceiling as the medics operated.

“Was I dead? I felt like an astronaut who’d left his spacesuit, only to find that a suit was unnecessary to begin with. With rising panic, I looked back and forth at the two scenes — until both started to fade like a fast-setting sun. Everything went dark. I was relieved: I’m returning to my body, I thought.

“Then came a jolt of pure fear. To my right, I heard screams of pain and anguish. I was drawn in, as if on a moving pavement, to the edge of a flaming canyon. Smoke filled my nostrils, and with it the sickening odour of burning flesh. I knew then that I was on the lip of hell.”

”Dr Parti said he heard a voice admonishing him for leading a “selfish and materialistic life” after losing empathy for his patients. He was reminded of a time when he dismissed a crying women from his office who was distressed about her husband’s terminal cancer.

“As the smoke billowed and the burning souls screamed around me, I thought of my possessions and how meaningless they were,” he claimed.

“Why did I have all these things? Why did I need a home so big that, when we were in different parts of the house, we had to communicate through our iPhones?”

A desperate Dr Parti then prayed to God for a second chance as he felt himself being dragged towards damnation.”

”After then seeing a vision of his late grandfather, Dr Parti’s unlikely spiritual awakening continued when he was visited by the archangels Michael and Rapheal.

They carried him up to “a landscape of clear light” where he was embraced by an astral being which told the former medical practitioner he was destined to be “a healer of souls”.”

“cauldron of HELL and heard screams of the DAMNED” better known as the “EU”

Well so-called Hell is going to be mega crowded with numerous, so-called religious mass murdering issis Muslim terrorists, (and others), who have committed genocide towards Christians and others, beheaded thousands,

There are a lot of people in this world today going straight to the flames of hell to atone for their sins

I certainly hope so. starting with every NWO adherent

Lord Justin
… and Tony Bliar. Don’t forget the devil’s disciple himself


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