Notts Warriors: Is This News you can TRUST?

Published on 27 Jan 2018

Notts Warriors also scratching their head about the escalation in use of ”knives/machetes/sabres/axes/anything metal” in UK.  Their theory – which makes a lot of sense – is that it’s readying people to accept the total surveillance agenda – metal detectors/XRay Machines @ school entrances/post offices/hotels/hospitals/cinemas/ etc etc etc.  Who makes these full body scanners again?  Cui Bono?  Heard of Rapiscan or OSI Systems Inc?  Heh they are just ”Standing in the Shadows” …… ”Getting ready for the ….. to come” Sell Sell Sell.

Four Tops – Standing In The Shadows Of Love (1967)

Is it possible that the MOSSAD are actually paying subversives to go into places waving these things about?  GW wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

  • Former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff was “flacking for Rapiscan,” writes Tim Carney of The Examiner:
  • Another notable connection to Rapiscan is leftist billionaire George Soros, who owned 11,300 shares of OSI Systems, Inc., the company that owns Rapiscan.
  • All Roads Lead To Rome Ladies & Gentlemen – All Roads Lead To Rome.

Link Here

Notts Warriors also note that tptwtb’s False Flags are not working for them at the moment so they have had to turn to other fear mechanisms instead. Interesting. Has the AM really been that effective at outing these things? Thanks partly to PeekayTruth Anaconda MaltLiquor & Smoken Mirrors – who all covered the Melbourne FF very well.  If the AM have cramped the style of tptwtb, then good. Not without cost though as Smoken Mirrors had 8 Channels struck off & Peekay was threatened by the police & AML has left JubeTube altogether & gone over to the 153 News site.

Veeken 777
The crescent 🌙 ring of Saturn goes directly through the 3 O’s in the words, World Economic Forum.
The letter O is the 15th letter of the Alpha Bet.
So it’s Saturn 666 that’s the agenda for the Vatican Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. 😉

Alan Reader
yeah woo hoo. Kak and Mac are Back. I’ve missed these two undercover covert guys. There good and really funny. Hope we see more of them LOL.

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