Hunt’s ACOs & #JR4NHS – Part ii

I posted this comment just over a year ago when the NHS was in ‘winter crisis’:
Hunt is doing his job – the Tory (hidden) agenda is to show the NHS is in crisis and failing and the only solution is to privatise it through replacement with insurance and a system run by US corps
I think that the ”suited mollusc in a coma minister” mentioned below (great comment) is continuing to do his job in killing the NHS as we (used to) know it. The fact that this waste of bones and organs can keep his job as the PM is so p*&s weak says it all.

John Bull
I’m afraid I think harsh times need harsh remedies. If the mollusc minister were to see his decisions having a very personal effect on his own family i.e. make them colatoral damage, and whoever takes over from the mollusc the same goes, you f*** the NHS we the people f*** you too!

Precedent of private companies running health services have largely been disastrous so far. Any region run by a company will likely suffer the same results. The Health Service doesn’t need selling off, it needs 10% GDP like the average OECD spend. That’s what modern health care costs, and the Tories are lying to the electorate by insisting that there’s more cuts to be made while the same standards of service continue.

This is a man described by someone who met him as “the thickest man in a suit that I’ve ever had a conversation with. There is nothing going on behind the eyes. It’s like trying to get through to a mollusc in a coma”.

Little Glimmer
It stopped being ‘our’ NHS in 1989. Remember the White Paper “Working For Patients”? Ken Clarke first introduced the term ‘internal market’ and referred to patients as customers.
Patients were to have ‘choice’; GPs were to manage their own budgets.
“Regional, district and family practitioner management bodies would be reduced in size and reformed into more businesslike organisations with executive and non-executive directors”.
That’s when it stopped being OUR NHS. Some of us tried to sound warnings but the country lapped it up.

GW:  Well Well.

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