Rees-Mogg Displays Interesting Hand Gesture – Masonic Eye-Glass Grip?

The Masonic eyeglass grip is a silent signal meaning ”What should I do?”

Does hand sign made by Merkel, May and now Juncker prove there is a secret EU illuminati?

Like everything TeasMade does – she’s awkward and self conscious doing it.

GW: Is the Pope Catholic?

The Tories are not so much a political party as they are a Masonic Lodge. Ditto Labour at the ‘leadership’ level at least. Don’t know about Corbyn yet but Blair, Brown and Milliband were Masonic ‘Gesturer’s’. Then there is the Crown…

Lord Noze
That Merkel, Juncker and others are part of a secretive group is almost certain. These people are almost completely at odds with how the vast majority of people feel about the millions being let into Europe yet still they vow to keep borders open. Fingers point towards Bilderberg, a secretive, unelected group of like minded highly placed, famous or rich people – the so-called elite. Whether these hand gestures having anything to with that or a sub group of it, who knows but there is much going on – especially over immigration – that we are definitely not party to. Otherwise much of the mass influx could be stopped almost overnight.

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