Matthew Sephton; The Conservative Party; Abuse Ring

Matthew Sephton with David Cameron.

”In January 2018, primary school teacher Matthew Sephton was jailed for possessing and distributing indecent child images.

The court was told that Matthew Sephton, a Conservative Party politician, was a member of groups that shared child abuse images.”

Matthew Sephton with former Home Secretary Ken Clarke, who was once accused of child abuse.

”Matthew Sephton has been the chairman of the Conservatives’ LGBT (gay) group.

There have been claims that this Conservative group has been infiltrated by a child abuse ring.”

Daily Mail: Conservatives’ LGBT group linked with paedophile ring after former chairman is jailed for sharing child porn

26 January 2018 Primary school teacher and Altrincham councillor Matthew Sephton jailed after being found guilty of child porn charges

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