Dying nurse says he will use days he has left to stop Tories destroying the NHS

”David Bailey, a nurse for the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, has been working for the NHS for 35 years.

After being diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in October and given a year to live, he said he is “determined” to “fight this Government tooth and nail.””

ken kenn
I’ll keep this simple so that you and others understand.

  • If the NHS becomes like the Welfare state for benefits has become ( safety net 6 inches from the floor ) then unless you are a multi millionaire you will be in that category.
  • Your BUPA premiums will increase because there will be no alternative to being in a very long queue due to shortages of staff and money for the safety net. You will be in the same league as all the others.
  • Private firms need to make a neat profit and that is their concern not your health problem.
  • Note carefully that Beardy Branson and his fellow thinkers are not raising their hands high in the air and shouting ” We’ll do that heart transplant or liver operation.”
  • They want the soft stuff – caring ( don’ t laugh ) and stuff that doesn’t involve risk or potential lawsuits.
  • No -one should make a profit from the NHS. Not even the government of the day.
  • We bailed the banks to the tune of 1.3 trillion so sorting out the NHS should be a walk in the park.
  • What’s holding things up?
  • This government and its continuous austerity.
  • They can still find room for tax cuts for the rich and corporations though.
  • Ponder that once you’ve been turned down by BUPA etc etc for your operation.
  • A great discussion whilst you are waiting 2 hours in an ambulance after heart attack.

What larks.

100% correct. March in London on 3rd Feb.

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

TeslAC @ Daily Mirror
The NHS is currently running out of beds and short of finance for simple reasons. NHS Foundations & Trusts – for quite a few years now – have been set up by NHS monies, including land and property, for pr-os in the country over 3-5 years depending on origin. After 5 years of running the establishment they can seperate from the nhs, and if they wantsell the property – AND the land. lol. That’s privatisation seperation. So that’s some loss. We want that stopped if you actually looked into it deeper. Also…NHS treats anyone, asks later. Translators, self check in with multiple languages, tracking any health records for allergies…etc etc…THESE things are due to over population. High 80millions currently, despite the official records. This equals lack of beds. Staff leaving is largely EU citizens who are all in receipt of a little present also. Just go with it if needs be. lol. The NHS is also currently having to be in sync with EU regs and medicines. Hence why so many more people getting ill and diagnosed incorrectly with mental health. .i could go on….yet i expect the majority of you know this and just ignored it and went with the crowds and the media…

JC4PM @ Daily Mirror
The selling of NHS land and properties was given the go ahead by May who is the government. Hunt has written about privatising the NHS and most of the contracts are now in private hands. The £3bn top down reorganisation by the Tories facilitated that. The cost of treating health tourists is less than 1% so although it needs addressing it’s insignificant as regards the mess the NHS is in now. cameron turned over 49% of beds for private use in 2011. Staff are leaving because of the pressure and pay capped for 7 years and because EU citizens feel less welcome since Brexit. What makes you think people are being misdiagnosed with mental health issues and being in the EU makes people ill?

GW:  The agenda of ”the cabal” – which includes Eurocrats – is to big up the number of people diagnosed with mental illness in UK such as those who don’t agree with official Big Brother Policies & those who can’t cope with living in an Animal Farm Society – the dictat on misdiagnosing people with Mental Illness sounds very like it might be another Eurocratic/Idiotic idea.  There are so many it’s hard to keep track.

Unfortunately, in addition to the immigrants legally working in hospitals, there are also many immigrants who have been and still are illegally accessing NHS services to which they have no entitlement. Plus, many health tourists who come here specifically to make use of our services. (The Lagos Express as one London hospital puts it, with regard to the number of Nigerian women who come straight to the hospital’s maternity ward from the airport.) An NHS consultant worked out that £2 billion per year was being spent on people who have no right to use our NHS. Add to that the wastage caused by PFI contracts (brought in by Brown and Blair) where it can cost £100 plus to change a lightbulb and the fact that so many hospitals have been paying ridiculous amounts of money for goods which they order themselves (£60 for one pair of surgical gloves, eg, when other hospitals source them for 60 a pair) and you can see that there are a lot of things which need to be sorted out to make the NHS work better. And it is not something which can be sorted out by just throwing a lot more money at the problem.

Well I reckon the NHS is doing a damn good job of ruining iteslf. Trying to fund and undertake procedures that it was NEVER set up for, working its staff to death to try and maintain the silly semblance of being “the envy of the world” (It’s NOT! – just a soft touch for scroungers from all over the world where they have to pay for the same treatment)

High time the NHS was completely restructured from the ground up and got back to offering the lifesaving treatment that it was originally set up to provide.

Some procedures will have to be scrapped at “free” level. and then maybe – just maybe – the staff would find they have decent hours and sensible rates of pay.

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