‘Churchill was RACIST!’ scream shameful lefty gang who terrorise cafe called Blighty

”One customer wrote: “I was horrified to read about the attack on your cafe and this pressure from a group of self-appointed nobodies trying to stop you presenting it in the way that you wanted and intended.

“After all, if they do not like your cafe nobody is forcing them to patronise it – but they would like to force their views on others and stop them from enjoying Blighty being presented in the form you intended.””

Blighty Cafe Finsbury Park London


Visit this café and give it your support please–even if you go out of your way to get there, support real Britons, and confront these vile sick and twisted young socialist filth.

GW: I would say to Social Justice Warrior –  Halimo Hussein, co-president of Equality and Liberation at SOAS University – so what – we have to tolerate Halal Butchers for the sake of ”diversity.” If we have to suck up your idiosyncrasies in the name of ”diversity” then so should you suck up ours – or maybe emigrate to a place where you feel less offended by the habits of the local population.

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