Altruistic Nurse David Bailey Part ii

I used to work alongside David Bailey a few years ago at the JR A&E. He was an extremely talented and caring nurse who never showed strain under the ever increasing pressures put on NHS staff in recent years. It was a privilege to work along side him as he provided world class care to his patients under what felt like 3rd world conditions. I’m very sad to hear of his illness but I am inspired by his campaigning which he continues to do.

The best way to describe David Bailey is altruistic. David is an inspiration to us all. His selfless, caring attitude. He could easily just spend what time he has left with his family, but he choses to fight for what is right- the right to healthcare no matter what your income or wealth. Those that say we can’t afford a NHS, look at the American healthcare system. Americans spend twice as much on healthcare- whether through private health insurance or direct payment, but have the worst outcome of wealthy nations. If you need anymore proof of US healthcare watch Michael Moore’s film “Sicko” on youtube, children being turned away from hospitals because they don’t have any or the right Health insurance. If May and Hunt are allowed to get their own way, this will be the sign of things to come.

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