Third Energy is associated with Carillon and shares key directors. It is 70% owned by Barclays Bank.

Ian R Crane
Streamed live on 26 Jan 2018

Blow to fracking firms as UK insists on financial checks

”The decision comes after a Barclays-backed company hoping to be the first to frack in the UK for seven years suffered a blow when business secretary Greg Clark said he was withholding consent because of the state of its accounts.”

Reality Is Just a Dream
Hi Ian i don’t have a Fakebook account so i don’t know how to contact you but i found this report-

An American Water Crisis Is Just Around The Corner And No One Is Talking About It – It spells out the coming crisi on water shortage for the US and one of the reasons listed is Fracking. Just thought it might be of interest to you.

Don’t let your guard down. Just for example of why it’s not good to invest in gas. You can’t get into it at a level where you truly benefit from the investment. They’ll take your money and run. Chesapeake energy has cried bankruptcy over and over again coming close. The landowners don’t benefit because they got cheated every which way. Including the made up royalty reductions. So when they sign someone low, they resell portions of leases to other investors and countries like China and Norway. My neighbor has a ton of investors added to his lease which is now no good. So they got portions of his lease just to have Chesapeake later drop the lease. Then they’ll come back through and whine and cry why you should re-sign lower. So they flip the leases and make more money at it than with actual drilling. So then the CEO was doing things like selling his own company a map for a million dollars that sat on the wall of the company. Ways to move the money around. Then he was price fixing by making arrangements to basically not have competition. You take that area and we’ll take this area. No competition.

Then when the CEO was supposed to go to court, he ended up dead. There’s no good way to make money from it because it’s so crooked and manipulated. Even the industry workers lose in the end because they will be constantly exposed to the radioactivity and hormone disrupting chemicals. Early retirement plan of simply dying because you were too stupid to expose yourself to the chemicals. And Chesapeake investors did horribly back when I kept track. So there’s no safe way to invest in it and benefit unless you’re a CEO and your house sits hundreds of miles away.

Individual Perspective *IP*  (edited)
I emailed my MP in sefton gave him a piece of my mind. it would appear the council are refusing to allow fracking. this goverment best not overturn any frack site. rejection by the local people is final.

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