Controversy over Corbyn’s Holocaust memorial message’s-holocaust-memorial-message/ar-AAvcvvQ

Kaivey @ AAG 26 January 2018
What a load of baloney, everyone knows what the holocaust fracas refers to. This is a fake outrage to discredit Corbyn.

How do they get away with this nonsense? A longer message from the Labour leader, printed in a booklet for the service, referred by name to Jewish Holocaust victims, including Anne Frank, as “our Jewish brothers and sisters”.

In the HET memorial book, Mr Corbyn wrote: “We should never forget the Holocaust: The millions who died, the millions displaced and cruel hurt their descendants have suffered.

“We should understand the way fascism arose in Germany and the circumstances that gave space for the Nazis to grow.

“At this, and at all other times, we should reflect and make sure succeeding generations understand the power of words.  Their power to do immense good and inspire; and their power to promote hate and division.

“Let us use their power to educate, to inspire, but above all to build values of trust and respect.”

His message sparked controversy on social media, with some Twitter users comparing it to US President Donald Trump’s failure to mention the Jews in his Holocaust Memorial Day message in 2017.

Corbyn’s Words Were Too Generalised For Some Observers & Therefore Used As A Cause For Whipping Up A Frenzy – Sheesh!

Simon Johnson, chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, said: “It is hard to believe anybody can neglect to mention Jews when writing a Holocaust Memorial Day Message, let alone the leader of the opposition.

“Mr Corbyn displays a complete lack of sensitivity to those who survived the atrocities of the Holocaust and its impact on the Jewish community.”

And a spokesman for the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism described it as “a disgraceful forgetting at a ceremony purposed for remembering”, adding; “We call on Mr Corbyn to apologise and issue a new statement.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, of the US-based Anti-Defamation League, said: “To omit any reference to Jews or anti-Semitism in your Holocaust remembrance statement is offensive to us and the millions murdered. Nazi ideology was rooted in hate and anti-Semitism. We can never forget that.”

A Labour source said: “Jeremy was clearly referring to the millions of Jewish victims of the Holocaust and their descendants.”

Warren Zevon – Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Jr Fender

GW: The thing is Corbyn himself is probably of Jewish extraction but he is not sufficiently ”on message” for the more strident members of that community it seems – so out come the insults again. Corbyn seems to have empathy for a broader spectrum of mankind than just his own small segment of it and good on him for being so broadly inclusive.  What he said about the power of words was very apt in today’s troubled world.

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