UK Column News 26 January 2018

George Greek Trucker
Published on 26 Jan 2018

Penny Mordant Attempts To ”Re-brand Foreign Aid after recent bad press for funding such shady outfits as the White Helmets.  David Scott said that Edinburgh University is the Government’s usual ”go to” when they require shielding from public ire.

The hypocrisy of Emily Maitlis – Shy, retiring Emily Maitlis’s Newsnight strut… as she strides across studio in tight leather trousers and stiletto-heeled boots

Ms Maitlis was the Newsnight Anchor that interviewed one of the girls caught up in the recent Presidents Club Fracas.  The hostess said that ”Some of the girls were offered nannying jobs.”

Davos 2018: George Soros Says Trump Administration Is ‘Danger to the World’ SoreAss said that Our Society is ”at risk” and that his Open Society foundation has had to spend a lot more money ”closer to home” to counteract the effects of ”populism” and that Russia is a ”Mafia State”.  Hmmm.

TeasMade’s Speech was underwhelming but some interesting bits of strange language were used – she didn’t appear to properly understand what she was saying.  Too many disjointed phrases and long pauses.  Institute of Coding will be established to create a new group of ”digital specialists” – CISCO, BCS, IBM – run by a PE consortium apparently.

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