FINLAND has issued the European Union a dire warning over Brexit, telling Brussels any increase in budgetary requirements would be “unbearable” to the bloc.

”Brexit will open up a vast €10.2billion (£8.99bn) hole in the EU’s coffers when the UK permanently quits the bloc in 2021 with Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany facing a sharp increase.

The new research, published by the European Parliament, will spark genuine fear in Brussels as three of the four nations – Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands – already have very large and growing Eurosceptic populations.”

Sampo Terho Finland

When everyone is jumping up and down about Carillion’s £600m – £1bn pension hole, the EU pension deficit is €64 Billion, and that is according to their one published accounts at the end of 2016.

There was mention the other day of the MEP Pension Fund which is in deficit to the tune of €600m. I am sure the EU Commission would rather we ponder the €600m hole than ask how the €64 BILLION hole is going to be filled.

At this rate the EU is an insolvent pension fund pretending to be a European State.

I think there is a lot more than 9 billion at stake here. There is the reduction in the benefits to all the EU migrants, the taxes that will be paid in this country rather than being paid in some other lower taxing EU country, and I believe the EU gets some of the VAT taxes as well. I believe we also contribute to the EU foreign aid budget on top of our own foreign aid. There will probably be more money flowing indirectly to the EU. We can only guess what the total amount is.

Mark16 – > Allyoops
Very true, everyone has been focused on what we see directly going to Brussels as our membership “fee,” not the other, no doubt Billions going to them through the back door generally unseen. That could a very interesting figure of what we really pay if it was all listed.

WGCAl – > Hamilton
Because they are losing a net contributor & not a beneficiary. Also the EU are planning on acceleration its expansion into the Balkans, all of which are poor and will demand funding.

The Finnish Europe Minister is correct. But the article, for me, shines a bright light on the truth. They consider the €10.2billion hole in the EU’s coffers, resulting from Britain’s departure, as a huge crippling sum to the entire EU! Yet they fail to recognise, admit or appreciate the comfort of the protective cushion that Britain’s £1.6 billion PER WEEK trade deficit has provided to every one of the EU 27. And our government STILL treats them as friends and partners.

The revenge and punishment so obviously evident in the EUs dealing with Brexit is known to everyone even May, this Government is making a shambles of what could have been very simple after stating good deal or no deal, it is not going to be a good deal so no deal. The way the remoaners go on about difficulties ‘not experienced by any other nation outside Europe’ coupled with the EU perceived need for British co-operation while Germany just waits for its EU army shows how much they need the British.

Ignore the project fear and walk now, no deal.

Who remembers Junker, just after the June 2016 referendum ” We will not even notice that the UK has left”?

Finger on the pulse as usual Jeane-Claude

“When the EU becomes smaller the budget should become smaller. That’s all there is to it. “

He said Brexit meant the EU should take a step back and reconsider its growing influence – not push for a United States of Europe, which Mr Terho said was the “absolutely wrong conclusion”.

A man with a brain. Should be top dog in the eu. Finland is lucky to have him.

EU Vanity Project

The EU commission would never dream of cutting back on their grandiose vanity projects. They have become too accustomed to their 1st class travel/grand hotels and of course their fine dining, and of course keeping their wine cellars topped up with the finest champagne and wines. Not forgetting fine china, silverware and crystal; they really do know how to spend money! Courtesy of the taxpayers.

and junk have his pension reduced? No way!
He needs a stronger central EU to protect him from the EU investigation finding that his special deal with American computer companies for royalties to be exempt from income tax, is illegal?

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