DAVOS Climate Looting Scam Exposed

Windows On The World
Published on 25 Jan 2018

The Professor
Piers Corbyn is right on the mark. The whole concept of “global temperature” is complex and nebulous enough to allow for these kinds of data manipulations, both in the selection of input data and in how to weigh the selected input data together into a global average temperature. I remember back in the 1990s, I had a friend who worked with Wibjörn Karlén and who would constantly talk about this “global warming” fraud. These people were geologists and they were at loggerheads with the meteorologists, whom they considered were bought-and-paid-for. My friend also knew Nils-Axel Mörner, who is considered a pioneer in the burgeoning resistance movement to this “cimate-change” scam. That was 20+ years ago, and things have only got worse since then. So Piers is right on target with his criticisms, there is no question about that. Trouble is, his viewpoint isn’t heard in the mainstream media and the majority of people just aren’t aware of it. How to reach out to them and shake them out of their slumber has always been the problem, and there is still no solution in sight.

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