This week has suddenly shortened the lifespan of Theresa May’s premiership – she will be deposed soon

slavery by consent
Today I have been researching the business interests of some leading Tories. It makes for shocking reading. Most are involved in PFI on some level and are fleecing the taxpayers of billions of pounds a year. Also I am finding a lot of charities that filter money offshore through hospitals in India etc. Most likely taxpayers money once again. In foreign aid budget. All leading Tories are involved in this. How much our country is losing to these people is ridiculous.

The Oracle
There was always going to be a battle to be fought between the Tory far-right and, well, even farther-right.

And now is the time, May agreed to the “deal” (i.e. that the status quo will be maintained until 2021 or 2022, without decision making of course), but to finalise it, everybody needs to be sure the next British government won’t renounce it in the last moment, or during the transition period).

So Brussels leaked the deal to provoke the ultimate battle within the Tory party.

Well played, as always.

GW: What did he say – the choice was J Hunt B Johnson or A Rudd? Lord give me strength.

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