MUST SEE ! A………..I……….. and why!!!!!!!!Blockchain

The End Time News News
Published on 21 Jan 2018

”While the announcement of Sophia’s citizenship garnered interest around the world, it also led to a hailstorm of criticism on social media over the irony that a robot apparently has more rights than Saudi’s female citizens. Twitter users quickly pointed out that Sophia has appeared in public without a hijab and without being accompanied by a male guardian, something that Saudi women can’t do. They also cannot interact with males that are not related to them and they don’t get fair representation in their country’s justice system.”

EU Is Funding Hanson Robotics’ ALICE

The future of robotics and artificial intelligence in Europe
SPARC, the Public-Private Partnership for robotics in Europe, set up to develop a robotics strategy for Europe. With €700 million EU funding and, adding private investment, an overall investment of €2.8 billion, SPARC is by far the biggest civilian research programme in this area in the world.

Randy Burleson
I don’t think the anti-christ himself will be a robotic A.I., but that the “image of the beast” will be. We are told in the book of revelation that the beast ascends out of the bottomless pit.

Soldiers 4 Christ
I Agree randy i believe the Anti Christ is either 1 of two ppl either ” Barrack Obama” or Erdagon” leader of Turkey and keep watch on my channel for the reasons i believe this as i am working as we speak on this video thank you all and have a great day God Bless and shalom

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